Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why I buy gallons of vinegar...

We have some of the hardest, scaliest water around. A new coffee pot works great for a week or two and then needs descaling. While there are commercial coffee pot cleaners, I use white vinegar which is much cheaper. If my coffee pot is really bad, I may have to run it through several times. Vinegar is also used to clean my front loading washing machine and diluted vinegar is used on the mirrors, windows and walls.

One day I noticed how bad my sink was, especially around the faucet and handles. I tried scrubbing with Bar Keepers Friend and nothing happened. Then I remembered the vinegar.

As you can see there is a lot of calcification and this is what it looked like after scrubbing.

First I tried to wrap vinegar soaked rags around it, but it wasn't enough. 

 So I removed the handles, and soaked them in vinegar. I was surprised to see how much calcification there was under and inside the handles.

With the handles off, I could now put the vinegar soaked rags around the parts that hold on the handles. I made sure the rags stayed very wet with vinegar.

In the corners of the top of the sink area and all around the area of the faucet was calcified and I just poured vinegar all over it and let it sit. After about an hour or so, I started wiping everything down. It was amazing, I could just wipe it off, no scrubbing.

Doesn't this look better? My whole sink shines from cleaning it with vinegar. I did not dilute the vinegar. I just poured it on and then later rinsed and dried. 
 Now to do this as soon as I see the calcification and not wait so long. 

Has your sink ever looked like this? What do you use vinegar for?
Let me know in the comments.